EDEN Stories
At the crossroads of digital and contemporary art, visual arts and electronic literature, EDEN Stories is a multi-season narrative that takes visitors into the contemporary world of desire and connected bodies. EDEN Stories is also a journey through the representations induced by the history of technical media.
Season 1 Summary – 3615 Gleeden : EDEN is looking for someone on a telematic dating site. In the course of its exchanges, the character discovers that it is evolving between two worlds, that of Minitel and blockchains. Moving from one format to another, from one digital era to another, from one medium to another, it also grasps herself as a character: it exists only as a file attached to a contract on a blockchain, a non-fungible token.
Season 2 Summary – EDEN as collectible : EDEN knows she has become an NFT. So she looks for a collector by putting herself on display on social networks and becoming collectible playing cards. But nothing goes according to plan…
Season 3 Summary – EDEN in Venice : EDEN is still looking for her collector. In tablet format, she takes to the pavilions of the Venice Biennale, one of the temples of contemporary art. Pavilion after pavilion, in the Gardens, in the Arsenale, from the Cannaregio to the Giudecca or on the Web, she discovers the great nations, the great art and the great public. She becomes photographs and videos. The file also tries to become flesh…
Season 4 Summary – NO SIGNAL : Fully aware of being a digital existence, EDEN continues their journey that transports the character from one medium to another. They was born in Videotex, they is now paintings and drawings. After their telematic peregrinations, from NFT platforms to the Venice Biennale, EDEN becomes cam bodies, exploring the universe of sex camming platforms, made up of images, bodies, devices, decors, words, sounds, gifs, animals and plants…
The work has been exhibited at FIAF Gallery (NYC), IHAM Gallery (Paris), SuperRare Gallery (NYC), NFT Factory (Paris) and Avant galerie Vossen hors les murs (Librairie Métamorphoses, Paris).

EDEN Stories – Season 1 & 2 – EDENStories.Legs / S2:E1 Eden with a Blue Collar / EDEN Stories season 2 (Installation)

EDEN Stories – Season 3 – EDEN in the pavilion of Singapore / EDEN in the pavilion of Libano / EDEN in the pavilion of Portogallo – 40x40cm